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Common high-risk activities that lead to catastrophic injuries

On Behalf of | Dec 7, 2023 | Injuries | 0 comments

When it comes to catastrophic injuries, prevention is essential. Understanding the high-risk behaviors that increase your risk of these injuries will help you preserve your safety and that of others around you.

There are a few common behaviors that significantly increase your risk of catastrophic injuries.

Distracted driving

In a society dominated by smartphones and constant connectivity, distractions are everywhere. Unfortunately, distracted driving is a serious threat as well. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted driving led to 3,522 deaths in 2021. Everything from texting behind the wheel to adjusting your car’s infotainment system can distract you enough to cause catastrophic injuries.

Reckless recreation

High-risk recreational activities bring a significant risk of serious accidents. Extreme sports, adventure tourism and daredevil activities all put you at increasing risk of severe injuries and long-term consequences. Taking proper precautions is a good place to start, but you cannot mitigate all of the inherent risk factors.

Substance use

Sometimes recreational substance use leaves you vulnerable to irresponsible or dangerous decisions. Driving under the influence and recreational activities under the shadow of alcohol or other substances can put you at risk of serious injuries. Contaminated substances can increase that risk. Reduce your risk of injuries or accidents by avoiding excess alcohol consumption and making responsible decisions.

Being aware of these high-risk behaviors will help you be more attentive to your risks of accidents and injuries. This also helps you recognize situations where other parties are negligent in their actions and increasing the risk of accidents or injuries.