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Missteps to avoid in a high-asset divorce

On Behalf of | Sep 11, 2023 | blog, Divorce | 0 comments

With the U.S. Census reporting divorce rates in 2021 at 6.9 per 1,000, many people will see their marriages end.

Going through a high-asset divorce can be daunting. With so much at stake, it is important to navigate the process with care and avoid making costly mistakes.

Neglecting financial transparency

Failing to disclose all assets, income and financial accounts can lead to severe legal consequences. Concealing assets or income is also a grave mistake. Courts take asset concealment seriously and can impose penalties. Full disclosure is essential to a fair resolution. Be honest and forthcoming about your financial situation to ensure a fair division of assets.

Making impulsive decisions

Divorce is emotional, but making impulsive decisions can have long-lasting consequences. Avoid hasty financial choices, such as selling assets or signing agreements without careful consideration.

Overlooking tax implications

High-asset divorces often come with significant tax implications. Ignoring these consequences can result in unexpected tax liabilities.

Disregarding prenuptial agreements

If you have a prenuptial agreement in place, failing to abide by its terms can lead to disputes and legal complications. Review the agreement carefully so that you understand your responsibilities.

Underestimating asset valuation

Inaccurate asset valuation can result in an unfair distribution of wealth. Engage professionals, such as appraisers, to determine the accurate value of assets like real estate, businesses and investments.

Draining joint accounts

Emptying joint bank accounts or selling joint assets without the other spouse’s consent can lead to legal repercussions. Maintain open communication and seek mutual agreement before making significant financial moves.

Ignoring the long-term consequences

Consider the long-term consequences of your decisions. Alimony payments, asset distribution and property settlements can impact your financial future significantly.

Relying solely on emotions

While emotions are natural during divorce, relying solely on them can cloud judgment. Balance emotional needs with rational decision-making, and consider the practical implications of your choices.

A high-asset divorce is complex, and it can be too easy to make a mistake that will have lasting consequences. Understanding the potential issues can help you avoid them and have a better chance at a successful outcome.