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How dangerous are bald tires?

On Behalf of | Sep 16, 2022 | car accidents | 0 comments

Virtually everything seems more expensive nowadays. To try to stick to their budgets, car owners sometimes put off necessary repairs and maintenance. When it comes to tires, though, not replacing bald ones can be disastrous. In fact, according to Automotive Fleet, bad tires cause roughly 11,000 car accidents every single year in the U.S.

While it may be perfectly appropriate for car owners to wait to make some repairs, no one should drive on old, worn or defective tires. Indeed, bald tires can put your life in extreme danger in a few different ways.


Tires work by gripping the surface of the road. As they age, though, tires lose their tread. If a car has bald tires, its driver can lose control and either cause or contribute to a crash. This is particularly true during inclement weather when roadways are more slippery than usual.


Bald tires can eventually blow out. If that happens, pieces of rubber may fly into the air and collide with other parts of the vehicle or with other nearby cars. Depending on the nature of the damage, damaged vehicles may no longer be safe to drive.


If you have been driving for any time at all, you have probably seen some tire debris on the road. When large chunks of tire are on a highway, drivers can collide with them. This, of course, can cause an accident. Likewise, drivers may crash when they swerve to avoid hitting tire debris.

All drivers have a duty to keep their vehicles in safe working condition. Ultimately, if someone’s tire neglect causes you to suffer a catastrophic injury, you may have little choice but to take legal action.