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Unsafe helmet use can result in a TBI

On Behalf of | Nov 29, 2022 | brain injury | 0 comments

Motorcycle accidents can result in serious injuries, including road rash, burns, fractures and traumatic brain injuries. Unfortunately, motorcyclists who have TBIs tend to have the most severe outcomes.

Helmet choice impacts your ability to survive a motorcycle accident, but you must avoid unsafe options first.

Avoid ill-fitting helmets

If your helmet does not fit properly, it cannot protect you during an accident. Helmets have to absorb the energy from the impact, but if not snug and level on the head, they cannot perform their job.

When choosing a helmet, choose one based on the shape of your head. Different helmets can accommodate people with long, round and intermediate oval heads. In addition to shape, check the size. Measure your head just above your eyebrows and around the thickest part of your head to find your size.

Discard helmets after an accident

Never wear a helmet after an accident. The accident can weaken the structural integrity even if you see no visible damage. If you have another accident, the helmet may not perform well enough to protect you against a severe head injury. If your helmet hits the ground during or after an accident, be safe and find a new one.

Watch out for novelty helmets

Novelty helmets do not have a DOT certification label. Since novelty helmets do not meet safety standards, people are more likely to suffer serious injuries when wearing them during a crash. Instead of trusting novelty helmets, look for helmets that meet the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard.

Motorcyclists are more vulnerable to injury than other drivers. It is critical for them to have adequate safety gear to prevent severe injury.