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What is a concussion?

On Behalf of | Feb 7, 2022 | blog, brain injury | 0 comments

Concussions are a common, if not misunderstood, form of head injury. They can result from falls, car accidents, and even violent crimes. In some cases, they only cause mild effects, which resolve quickly. In others, they can cause long-term effects and require ongoing treatment.

Understanding the basics about concussions ensures you can get the medical care you need to prevent worsening effects. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Symptoms of concussions

Some concussions do not cause any symptoms, while others cause quite a few ill effects. This usually depends on the severity of the injuries. Concussions can result in blurred vision, nausea, drowsiness, ringing in the ears, and other symptoms. Symptoms may occur immediately after the injury happens, or they can present a few days later.

Possible complications

Most people experience a quick recovery after a concussion. However, certain complications can occur, including persistent headaches. Sensations of dizziness or light-headedness can also occur. These complications often resolve within a few weeks, but other people experience them for three weeks or longer after the initial injury. This is a post-concussion syndrome.

When to seek medical care

Regardless of the severity of the injury, you should seek medical attention for all concussions within one to two days of them occurring. A doctor can identify any possible underlying issues and prevent them from causing greater ill effects.

However, some symptoms require immediate medical care. These include slurred speech, weakness in the extremities, loss of consciousness for 30 seconds or longer, repeated vomiting, ringing in the ears, and confusion. These are the signs of a more serious head injury that could require emergency medical procedures to treat.