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Tennessee among top 5 states for road rage

On Behalf of | Nov 23, 2021 | car accidents, Injuries | 0 comments

Road rage occurs when someone sharing the road with you demonstrates extreme aggression in an attempt to cause you physical harm. It is also becoming increasingly prevalent across Tennessee and the rest of the nation. The road rage issue has become so pronounced statewide in recent years that Tennessee is now listed among the top five states for this dangerous driving behavior.

According to Bankrate, Tennessee ranks fourth nationwide for the number of road rage incidents that take place each year and involve guns. Road rage differs from aggressive driving in that it crosses the line into violent and dangerous territory. However, both road rage and aggressive driving have the potential to contribute to or cause crashes that result in injuries, or in more extreme cases, fatalities.

Common aggressive driving behaviors

Common aggressive driving actions include tailgating, cutting other motorists off or making sudden or unsafe lane changes. Weaving in and out of traffic or running red lights may also fall under the aggressive driving umbrella.

Common road rage behaviors

When someone threatens you, gestures at you or shouts obscenities in your direction, such actions may constitute road rage. If another driver intentionally sideswipes you or bumps your vehicle from behind, authorities may also consider this road rage. Another driver trying to intimidate you using his or her headlights is another possible example. So, too, is another motorist making efforts to force you off the roadway.

Road rage causes dozens of deaths and more than 1,800 injuries every year. In Tennessee, drivers who exhibit road rage may face reckless endangerment, aggressive driving or related charges.