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A Full-Service Firm For Your Individual Needs

Your career and working around a brain injury

On Behalf of | May 10, 2021 | brain injury | 0 comments

A brain injury can disrupt your life and jeopardize your independence. Listening to your doctor’s orders and putting your best effort into rehabilitative therapies can facilitate your recovery.

When your reach a point where you desire to return to work, it may take time to adjust to your former job. Depending on the severity of your injury, you may need modifications to allow you to work comfortably, safely and effectively.

Prioritize recovery

Even though you may feel eager to return to work, you should reach a certain point in recovery before making the jump. Communicate your desires to your medical team and ask for advice about how to optimize your recovery. Some suggestions of ways to make the most of your recovery include the following:

       Consume a balanced, nutritious diet

       Refrain from taking any drugs outside of the prescriptions from your doctor

       Avoid high-intensity activities

       Regulate your use of electronics

       Participate in all therapy appointments

       Rely on the support and encouragement of family and friends

Embrace mindfulness

While you may wish to go right back to where you were prior to your injury, this is an unrealistic perception. In fact, depending on your injury, a full recovery may not ever happen. With this in mind, embrace mindfulness as you prepare to return to work. According to the Brain Injury Association of America, ask your employer about returning on a modified schedule. This could include shorter hours, temporary telecommuting, a modified workload or a switch to another role.

If your injury does allow you to return to your former job, you may consider vocational rehabilitation. This resource can provide you with assistance in modifying and updating your resume and assessing job opportunities. You can also utilize vocational rehabilitation to help you develop and strengthen the skills you need to return to the workplace.