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Help for families after a fatal motorcycle accident

On Behalf of | Aug 23, 2018 | fatal motor vehicle accidents | 0 comments

Unfortunately, it is no secret that motorcycle accidents can result in deaths and serious injuries for victims. Motorcycle accident victims can be especially vulnerable on the roadways to careless and negligent drivers, which is why personal injury and wrongful death protections are available to motorcycle accident victims and their families following a serious or fatal motorcycle accident. The reality is that motorcycle riders are 26 times more likely to die in a car accident than someone traveling in a passenger vehicle.

A fatal motorcycle accident can result in the unthinkable loss of a loved one and leave families facing a host of unexpected challenges they did not previously expect to face. This is when wrongful death legal protections can step in to help surviving family members recover compensation for the harm they have suffered and hold the negligent driver responsible for causing their accident accountable. In two-thirds of motorcycle accidents, the driver of a passenger vehicle failed to yield the right of way to a motorcycle, causing the accident.

Careless drivers may fail to pay attention and carefully observe the roadway for motorcycle riders which can result in fatal accidents. A wrongful death claim for damages can be brought on behalf of the surviving family members for the benefit of loved ones. Damages that may be available include medical and funeral expenses; loss of support and services; lost prospect of inheritance; and other damages as well depending on the circumstances.

Motorcycle accident victims and their families should always be familiar with the legal protections available to them. They may be able to help surviving family members through a difficult time following the harm a fatal motorcycle accident can cause.